A Sigh of Relief

whew! what a crazy few days...
thanks to everyone who wished our family well as we were dealing with caleb's jaundice. many people asked about his levels, so here they are: two days after he was born (wed), his biliruben level was at a 12. by friday, it had spiked to a whopping 22 (he was looking frighteningly yellow/orange). on friday night, after the hospital stay, he came down to around 20. then on saturday, he dropped to 19. we continued the phototherapy for the rest of the weekend. on monday, the doctor called to tell us that his biliruben level was still at around 18/19. we were so discouraged and concerned because he had been under the lights for 40 some-odd hours and it had not made much of a difference. later that afternoon, the doctor called us again and said that he had mistakened his previous blood draw for the most recent one (he has had 6 at 7 days of life) and that his biliruben level was actually standing at around 11.8. Praise the LORD! victor and i were so relieved to hear this. no more phototherapy for us, thanks! God is so good and so faithful to hear our prayers.
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