Chiao Baby!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

nothing about me, more about caleb

man, i haven't updated in awhile. i finally relate to when julie said, "I'm xanga paralyzed. I can't think of anything interesting to share. So I don't write anything." when people at church ask me how i've been, i don't even know how to answer anymore. i do the same thing every day, and interesting things rarely happen to me anymore (unlike my teaching days)... i am my son's servant. don't get me wrong, i love it. i never thought i'd love being a stay-at-home mom this much, but i do. i absolutely love seeing his gummy grin each time he wakes up from a nap, and being able to call victor to boast about our son's most recent accomplishment. but how has my week been? "ok, i guess." is usually my answer.

anyway, since there's not much to share about me, i'll share about the baby.

he's a few days shy of 9 months, and he has gotten to be so fun... but also tiring because he can now express himself better and knows what he wants and doesn't want. he's been crawling for about a month now, but i didn't think it counted as crawling at first because he wasn't up on his hands and knees. however, after talking to julie and may, they assured me that what he's doing counts as crawling, and that some kids never get up on their hands and knees. i could see that happening with him since he has already started pulling up on things and wobbily cruising (trying to walk while holding on to something) around furniture. so here he is... commando crawling to daddy. (note how he only uses his right arm and left leg. weird kid.)

here are some other fun videos. in the first, he is laughing so hard at my feeble juggling attempts. apparently, he's really into slapstick comedy. in the second, he's laughing at victor's silly antics. i know, i know, i have a million videos of him laughing. but can you blame me? i love his deep gut-busting belly laugh. i can't get enough of it.


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