Chiao Baby!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

battle of the wills

as you all know, i've been having a lot of trouble handling caleb's tantrums of late. i am beginning to think that his will is stronger than mine. (feeling... so... weak...) last night, victor and i were trying to come up with ways to thwart his tantrums and condition him not to throw them. i told him that i recently put in hold requests for a few books at the library, and he was like, "no! with the combination of our disciplines (mine being education and his being psych) we should be able to come up with solutions ourselves!" speak for yourself, dude. i know when i'm being defeated and i have no qualms about asking for help. anyway, after about an hour of brainstorming, we came up with practically nothing. *sigh*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, I'm sure you are having a rough time. But things will get better.

2:10 PM  

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