Chiao Baby!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


on a much lighter note, victor and i experienced something quite shocking last night. everyone had told us that having a boy would provide interesting challenges at the changing table, and needless to say, we've witnessed several waterwork displays and have been sprayed a handful of times already. that was to be expected. what was NOT expected and was TOTALLY shocking, however, was the projectile pooing. yes, who knew that poop could squirt out of a baby AS he was being changed at such velocity that it could hit a wall 2 to 3 feet away? it all seemed to happen in slow motion. we were so caught off guard that we weren't able to act quickly enough to stop it. quite messy. quite disgusting. but it provided us a good laugh nonetheless. and to those who often come to our house to visit, don't worry, we cleaned it all up. you wouldn't have even known had i not told you.


Blogger Foodinese Queen said...

baby girls could shoot poopy projectiles also, we experienced it as well =)

2:46 AM  

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