Chiao Baby!

Monday, September 19, 2005

fussy, fussy, fussy!

aiyah... i don't know what's up, but caleb has been so grumpy lately. at night, he's been waking up every 2 hours screaming. during the day, when he's not eating or sleeping, he's crying. our usual antics of keeping him entertained are not amusing him anymore. what is going on?!? victor and i are so tired.

we went to the meta retreat this weekend & had a great time. victor and i mentioned that we enjoyed this year's retreat more than last year, even though we had a baby along with us and ants in our bed. the worship, messages, and general times of fellowship were awesome and uplifting. thanks to ryan kwon who was an engaging and encouraging speaker, and who challenged us to be an authentic gospel community. a BIG THANKS to ellen chang, who helped care for caleb during the retreat and was awesome with him. i always felt at ease when i knew she was taking care of him. i know what a handful he can be. especially next to those nice, calm babies like lauren (bing & ellen's daughter) and mia (ted & amy's). every time i see them, they're so quiet and calm. they can actually sit in their carriers/strollers without fussing! what is that like? the retreat had 3 sessions. as i was dropping caleb off before the 2nd session, one of the ladies got this nervous look on her face and said, "where's ellen? give him to ellen. she's really good with him." apparently, she wasn't too interested in watching over him herself. maybe i should use the phrase "like mother, like son". my parents told me people in the church nursery were afraid of taking care of me when i was a baby, too. to this day, i still have a-yi's and shu-shu's who come up to me and tell me how much i cried when i was little.


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