Chiao Baby!

Monday, May 15, 2006

mother's day weekend

we had a fun weekend. friday night, we had the thomas' over and victor grilled what i have to say were the best burgers he's ever made. i don't know about the thomas', but i was mighty-impressed. victor has been wanting a chimney starter for his grill for a long time. he finally ordered one which came in on friday. he immediately announced that he wanted to invite friends over so that he could try out a cook's country recipe he's been eyeing for a long time- a steakhouse-quality burger... and i'm glad i agreed to it because 'twas quite tasty. perfectly grilled, crusty on the outside, juicy on the inside, and the meat would fall apart in your mouth. sweet. of course, victor's going to be annoyed with me for saying this now because he'll think i'm hyping it up too much and people will be disappointed if they read it and get their hopes up. sorry, honey, but i just couldn't resist bragging about this one.

i'm kicking myself for forgetting to take pictures on mother's day. argh. i find that i forget to take pictures of a lot of "first" events. i.e. i don't have pictures of caleb's first ride home from the hospital, thanksgiving, christmas, or even his infant dedication. and now, i must add mother's day to the mix. oh well.

yesterday, i dressed him in his ghetto jeans and a green onesie with a bright red crab on it. underneath the picture, it said "crab". i'm starting to wonder about this shirt because he was mighty crabby at church and at lunch yesterday. was it an omen?  he screamed and cried so loudly in the nursery yesterday that he woke up the other babies who were napping. they paged me, but it didn't come through (i think the batteries died), so they ended up bringing him to my mom, who was in the church office. then during lunch, he was fussing loudly throughout the whole meal. victor and i were exasperated by the end of it.

anyway, it was still a sweet mother's day. victor made me an adorable card and gave us both these as gifts. (see below)

you may think it was more of a gift to him than to us, but i thought it was cute. he's preparing us for our first yankee game this june (we'll be visiting his family in NYC and catching a game while we're there). we'll be one of those matching families...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOVE the Yankees outfits! Precious!
Happy Mother's Day, a little late!

8:45 AM  

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