chuy, drool, solids, & jobs
a few great new updates.

another thing that we've noticed lately is that caleb has started becoming pretty fussy and wants to bite down on hard things all the time. he's also a drooling machine. we think he might be teething.

he has also started waking up in the middle of the night again (around 4 am) wanting food. the other night, we fed him an extra bottle in between feedings. he guzzled it down happily. he has taken to staring at us (and our food) when we eat, and sometimes tries to grab it for himself. sigh. methinks we need to start him on solid foods very very soon. i really wanted to wait until 6 months, but it looks like he isn't willing to wait that long. (it's kinda sad to think that my milk isn't enough to sustain him anymore.)
last but not least, victor found a job! woo hoo! he has been looking for a paid internship for what seems like an eternity (but in reality, was 9 months). depelchin children's center has hired him to counsel homeless adolescents/young adults, and he'll start on dec. 1st. we are so grateful for God's faithful and timely provision for our family. thanks to everyone who has been praying for us for these many, many months. we cannot be more thankful. God hears our prayers, indeed. on the flip side, while we are ecstatic that victor will start working soon, we're also very sad that he won't be able to spend his days with us (meaning me and caleb) for much longer. victor has certainly developed a strong bond with caleb over these past 5 months, which was made possible by his unemployment. nobody makes caleb laugh the way daddy does.
we'll miss you, daddy!

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