Post-Surgery Pictures

some pics of caleb post surgery. (i know you're curious. ) actually, he's looking pretty good when he's awake and looking straight at you. we're serious about the wolverine thing... we think he has super-healing powers.
below: a family friend gave caleb a pair of New Balance "all-terrain" shoes when he was first born. they're very cute. but what baby wears shoes at this age? and why exactly would he need "all-terrain" shoes? we put them on him since he's going to outgrow them soon. he doesn't know how to work them yet. he kept slipping and sliding since he couldn't grip the floor with his toes. the arm bands you see on him are what he needs to wear to keep himself from rubbing his eye. he looks like he's got 2 broken arms or something. oh, and yes, victor is wearing shorts.

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