take me out to the ball game!

For all those men out there who think there's no hope... here's my baseball story:
i never thought i would be a big baseball fan. growing up, i thought baseball was boring and i didn't understand how anyone could sit and watch a game in its entirety. ("goodness, inning after inning of no scores??") the only thing i could watch was basketball, with its constant scoring.
enter victor. we first started dating in 98... right in the middle of the yankee dynasty. he would make me sit through the world series with him, watching game, after game, after game. i was so disinterested that i would grade papers while i sat infront of the tv with him. i remember thinking he was losing his sanity as i watched him go through all these intense emotions as he watched... from high highs to low lows. i didn't understand it. but year after year, i would watch the playoffs and the world series with him, grading my papers as i did so. every now and then, i'd ask questions about the game.
fastforward to today... 7 years later. i love watching baseball... especially the playoffs and the world series. of course, it helps if i have a team to root for, but still. i would MUCH rather sit through a baseball game than any other sport. i love the intensity of each and every pitch... the mind games... the way a game can turn in the blink of an eye. you can ask victor, i've actually gotten to the point where i can't stop thinking about a game the day after.
this, of course, is not to say i know tons about the teams and players. not at all. i don't claim to. but i do love watching the games. and i have begun to understand (a little) the emotional roller coaster victor goes through every time the yankees win or lose. i can't say i've ever lost sleep thinking about it (like he has), but baseball is on my mind way more than i ever thought possible.
and with my baseball post, i cannot go without saying yankee #42 rocks! (go mariano!) i love this guy for so many reasons. i know you'll scoff, but the first time i noticed him was during the 98 world series. he had the longest, prettiest eyelashes. yes, that's what i said. eyelashes. but over the years, i've learned a lot about him... he has a quiet confidence. he's not showy, he just gets the job done... and is the best at what he does. "lights out, baby!"
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