solids, chillin', & the office

caleb turned 5 months old yesterday! to celebrate, we started him on solid foods (which, essentially, is just a little bit of cereal mixed with a lot of my milk, served via a spoon). what a messy endeavor. most of the rice cereal dribbled out of his mouth and onto his bib/shirt/face... basically anything other than going down his throat... and he kept giving us these confused looks as if to ask us, "what's going on? what are you doing? what is this stuff?" i'm sure he was wondering why i wasn't just giving it to him straight from the tap as usual, but it was a fun adventure anyway.

the poor guy has gotten sick. he's terribly congested and coughs and sneezes a lot throughout the day. at night, he wakes up frequently crying. but in the morning, he is SO mellow... totally not his usual squirmy-whiney self. it was actually strangely nice to have such a calm child for the first time. but victor disagreed. he said he'd rather caleb be his high-maintenance self than totally quiet and un-fussy. sigh. i suppose he's right. but still... it'd be nice once in awhile. anyway, here's a picture of him this morning during his morning mellow mood.... just chillin'. i think it's hilarious how he has his feet propped up and his left arm casually draped over the seat. he looks so relaxed.

oh, and per recommendation by the chuans, victor has really gotten into a new show called the office. it's very much like a mix of the comic strip 'dilbert' and the movie 'office space'. it was adapted from a bbc show. he finds it roll-on-the-floor hilarious, but for some reason, i don't find it quite as funny (although it has its moments). i guess i just get so annoyed by the incompetent boss that i can't get past it. anyway, anyone who has ever worked in a workplace with an inept boss will probably find this show pretty entertaining. you can check it out for yourself on nbc. unfortunately for victor, it's actually on at the same time as 'house' (which is a much better show, in my opinion), so we won't be tivo-ing it.

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