Chiao Baby!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


christmas was a lot of fun this year. my brother came home to visit and got to play with caleb and chuy quite a bit, which they both loved. caleb also got a ton of toys. here he is on the foamy mat from my parents, and with the stacking toy from the laws.

on monday, the weis came over and caleb got to play with justin. so cute. check it out!

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005


happy 6 month birthday, caleb! check out this video. he's hysterical. all i'm doing is bopping my head around, and he's laughing like there's no tomorrow.

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Monday, December 19, 2005


*sigh* with the kiddo, we have yet to make it into the theaters. here are 3 movies we are waiting to see... someday... unfortunately, with victor working now, and in between all of my church meetings, christmas craziness, and regular chores and errands, we haven't found a good time when both of us (and our staple babysitters, my parents) are free for an extended period to watch a movie... much less, three.

i'd also like to see 'memoirs', but i think i'll have to wait for the dvd in this case since victor doesn't seem too interested. plus, the reviews weren't too great. (then again, at this rate, it looks like we may have to wait for the dvd in all of the cases above as well...)

Thursday, December 08, 2005


just finished reading this. i felt like i was entranced in this world as i read it. i've been fascinated by the Japanese culture ever since going to Kyoto last Feb/Mar. anyway, an interesting read... now it's off to the theater i go! well, not really. but i'd like to see it at some point.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


last night, the classic christmas animated show "santa claus is comin' to town" was on the tube. victor and i caught part of it, and he commented about half-way through that if i were a wooden, animated character, i would look like kringle (the character seen above). "what?! what are you saying??" and he went on laughing and defending himself, saying that all he needed was long, black hair and brown eyes, and it'd be me. apparently, he thinks the nose resembles mine. "what, big and flat?" apparently so. i'm not sure what i think of this comment. what do you think? does he look like me?

and a post would not be complete without cute pictures of caleb.

Friday, December 02, 2005

on our own

so victor went off to work yesterday. you can check out how it went on his blog. i, on the other hand, spent my first full day with caleb by myself since he was a month old (when victor went to philly for 4 or 5 days without me). man, what do stay-at-home moms do to entertain their babies all day long? yesterday, i sang, like, a hundred songs to him, let him watch me eat & clean the house (twice), had him play in the exersaucer (twice), in the bouncer (twice), went for a walk- baby strapped in the carrier, chuy pulling on the leash (twice), read him stories 3 at a time (twice), chased after chuy (about 10 times)... and we still had several hours to kill before daddy came home.

thank goodness amy called this morning and asked to have lunch in chinatown. it broke up my day very nicely... except for the crazy, screaming baby in the back seat as i drove home. (he was overdue for his nap.) note to self: cannot go out for more than 2 hours at a time unless prepared for hysterical kid.


anyone free to hang out (in 2 hour increments) during the week?

oh... check out this pic. so cute. caleb and chuy are leaning the same way. (on second thought, i think chuy is leaning away from caleb, and caleb is leaning towards chuy. this seems to be the trend in their relationship.) i am so glad caleb likes chuy so much. when he's upset, i can usually plop him infront of the dog and be sure that he will instantly start smiling or laughing. now if only chuy would stay still and let caleb pet him longer...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

it's not winter yet?

! 84 degrees on saturday??!! what is up with this weather? this SO does not feel like the christmas season.