Chiao Baby!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

photo dump

It's been awhile since I've had a big photo dump. Hope you enjoy as much as we do! :)

our cute little 16 month old ball of energy

he thought he was hilarious putting his blankie over his head.

happy hour... the boy loves his milk.

a favorite past time: making a mess for mommy...

goofy faces

caleb's favorite church activity. everytime we near the sanctuary, he points and grunts until we take him to the drums.

daddy, the paparazzi

the flash! it's burning my eyes!

caleb begging daddy to be "all done" (see the waving hands? that's his sign language for "finished")

checking out the pumpkin patch

where are you going, daddy?

the chicken and ... the shark? (that's emi, by the way, in case you can't tell.)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

An Ode to Guh Guh

yes, yes... everyone loves their siblings. i know. but my brother has got to be one of the coolest around. what prompts this post, you might ask? a weekend of neediness... and answers from the man pictured above.

so victor and i would willingly admit that we are not the most handy people around. not by a long shot. but my big brother is mr. handy-man-extrodinaire. just call him "josh the builder". he finds joy in fixing things himself. he's always been like that, ever since i can remember. when we were younger, he drove my parents crazy by taking things (usually electronics) apart so he could "see how they work". i'm not sure if he was always able to put them back together, though.

anyway, on to the ode.

why guh (my big bro) is awesome, reason #1: our home has always had a fairly large laundry list of "things to fix" or "things to update". We, as mentioned above, are not handy people... although i try to pretend to be on occasion. i call him up this weekend to ask him a question (which i'll mention below) and happen to tell him about this laundry list. he's planning on coming back to visit for christmas, and he offered to do them all for us while he's here!! woo hoo! now, on the one hand, i feel bad for asking him to take his vacation time to do work for us, but on the other hand, i know that he enjoys doing stuff like that. so i'll just stick to the "other hand". :)

why guh is awesome, reason #2: this past week, i purchased something off craigslist that needed some serious cleaning up. victor was so grossed out by it that he didn't want to have anything to do with it, and asked me to sell it. while i know i could've gotten our return on the purchase, i was sad. i really wanted to keep it. i tried cleaning it with some good ol' fashioned elbow-grease, but it just wasn't cutting it. what did i do? call my brother, of course. he told me how to clean it off... and after a few hours in the backyard this afternoon, i'm proud to say that we'll be keeping the purchase...

why guh is awesome, reason #3: (this one was the most important to victor) victor's ritual these days is to come home after church and turn on the tube to see how the football games have been playing out so as to check on his fantasy football team. we came home this afternoon, victor turned on our tv, and found... nothing. nada. a black screen. after some investigation, we come to find out that our tivo "live tv" function isn't working. that means we can't watch anything on tv, and can't record anything new. the only thing we can do is watch already recorded stuff. PANIC. tivo has been a necessity for us, especially after having caleb. my brother actually gave it to us for christmas 2 years ago (hmm... that merits a "why guh is awesome reason #4). so after a lot of fiddling with cables and rebooting, etc, etc... victor was fairly certain that our tivo had died. (tragedy!) BUT... of course, who do i call? my brother! and sure enough, he gives us a couple of suggestions... presto, change-o... tivo is up and running again. peace is restored.

of course, there are many many more reasons why i love my bro, but this weekend, he was truly the hero of the chiao-lin temple.

thanks, guh guh. what would we ever do without you?

Friday, October 20, 2006

Team Hoyt

the first time i heard about this father-son team, i was watching oprah (yes, i watch oprah frequently when i get the chance) sometime last season. i was so moved by their story. today, i happened to be reminded of them in this man's blog (see below). i was boo hooing shamelessly as i wached the video. maybe it's all the pregnancy hormones coursing through my body right now... or maybe it's the conviction that i'm always in fear of having a child with severe disabilities. would i have the courage, strength, and selflessness to love and care for a child like rick... and to the extent that dick does? my only solace is knowing that God gives grace beyond measure.

"My dad is the Father of the Century"

I'm glad I was working at home when I came across this story; most of my co-workers are not the sorts who think very highly of a grown man crying. This is a pretty cool story of a man whose love for his son drove him -- literally -- to Herculean feats of strength, endurance, and courage. If you're the sort who tears up easily, make sure you have a box of tissue handy before reading this or watching the accompanying video.

Rick Hoyt was strangled by umbilical cord during birth, leaving him unable to control his limbs. Doctors told his parents were told he'd be a vegetable for life and that they should put him in an institution. His parents were a little too stubborn for that, however. When he was 11, he got a computer that he could control with his head, allowing him to communicate for the first time. When a classmate was paralyzed and the school organized a run to raise money for him, Rick typed out "Dad, I want to do that."

That was the start of it all. Dick Hoyt, out of shape and not used to running more than a mile, tried his best to push his son the five miles. "I was sore for two weeks," he says. That day changed everything, however. Rick told him "Dad, when we were running, It felt like I wasn't disabled anymore!" Who could forget that? Not Dick Hoyt. Since then, Team Hoyt has done more than 200 triathalons, dozens of marathons, and even six 15-hour Ironman Races in Hawaii. Tomorrow, they'll run/swim/bike another Ironman together.

My dad was a pretty awesome guy. He did a lot for his kids and for others. But I have to give Dick Hoyt credit. As his son Rick said, "No question about it, my dad is the Father of the Century." Read the article, watch the video, and be prepared to buy more Kleenex

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Coming: March 1st

email from jenn: will you be reigning queen or will you be yielding to a princess?

my response: alas, the queen will be dethroned.