Chiao Baby!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Gadgets Anonymous
"hello. my name is grace, and i'm a gadget-a-holic."
i'm a gadget geek... and unlike my brother, who is a true electronics/backpacking gadget geek, i have become addicted to baby gear gadgets. i love finding great stuff made just for my need. and not ridiculous stuff that's not-needed and overpriced like this automobile video monitor (puh-lease... just use a cheap-o $2 mirror like the rest of us, & save yourself $170).

but real, "this thing is awesome!" kind of stuff. my most recent purchase: the rayshade. i know, i know. you're thinking, "what's the big deal? why couldn't you use your stroller shade?" well, i do. and it wouldn't be a big deal if we didn't go out much. but baby and i go out on walks a lot (mainly to keep me from going postal from staying at home all day), and most of the time, our stroller canopy is too small to shade caleb during our daily jaunts. i don't mind him getting some sun, (after all, he's as pale as a ghost) but he hates the sun in his eyes... i mean, really hates it. and although he likes going on walks, they were often filled with whining, crying, or screaming if it was sunny out... enter rayshade. you can't tell from the picture, but you can actually pull it shorter or longer depending on the sun's position, but it never covers baby's view. pleased.

and now, i'm off on my quest for the next great gadget!
Sunday, February 05, 2006
The Fussbudget
this is caleb: (from
The Fussbudget
This baby knows what he likes. Getting him down at night is a struggle if he doesn't want to sleep. He's prone to crying into the wee hours and can be moody during the day -- sometimes downright inconsolable. If he doesn't want to be held, he'll tense up and squirm. The good news is, he'll get easier to handle as he becomes more communicative, but be prepared for a tempestuous toddler. For now, read his signals, and be sensitive to his needs. Avoid overstimulation, and stick to a routine: He's happiest when his surroundings are predictable.
caleb definitely knows what he wants and has no qualms about letting you know too. he doesn't cry into the wee hours, thankfully, but everything else describes him to a "T".
What type of baby do you have?