Merry Christmas!
We didn't get around to sending out holiday cards or updates this year... er... or any other year for that matter. But I've gotten a bunch in the mail and have really enjoyed seeing pictures and reading updates on people. With each card that finds its way into our mailbox, the more convicted I feel that I really should reciprocate. Unfortunately for me, it's already the night of the 22nd... plus, who has time to scrounge around for people's current addresses? I know, I know, it's a lame excuse. But for now, you'll have to settle for our e-holiday greeting. Lame? Perhaps. But it's the best I can do for now. (By the way, thanks, Hannah, for the heads up on a site where I can pull off something like this.)
Click on the picture above to read our update and see pics.
As a warning for those who read my blog regularly, the pictures won't be anything new since (being 20 lbs heavier) I'm really not in the mood to take pictures of myself right now... then again, the updates won't be anything new either since I regularly update this blog... agh. I'm starting to wonder why I even bothered... Well, this was sent to non-blogger readers, so you can just consider yourselves "in the know".