New Tricks
caleb has made several more attempts to roll over since his 3 month birthday. i often find him like this in the morning

his head should be where his butt is. the other day, he made another attempt while lying next to me and victor. his arm kept getting pinned underneath him, but he was so determined to turn that he actually used his legs to try to force it. he ended up in an upside-down V position with his head and feet on the bed as support, and his butt in the air. what a crazy kid! (wish i had taken a picture.)
he has also taken to blowing raspberries these days... lots of them. he's actually gotten quite good at it. sometimes, however, he just ends up spitting on us. whatever amuses him, i suppose.
caleb also likes to be sung to. he seems to calm down quickly this way. we've discovered that his 2 favorite songs are 1) rubber duckie (sung to him by mommy), and 2) bohemian rhapsody (sung to him by... who else?... daddy). if he's in a good mood, he'll laugh hysterically when daddy tries to sing.